WhatsApp For Education

Are you looking out to bring the benefits of the latest technology for your school's growth and want to leverage its benefit to student's Education? Let the power of social media applications contribute to your success journey. We, the I School, the leading school management system provider, are introducing the new venture of WhatsApp for Education.

The intervention of technology in the education industry is a must-to-have thing. Accomplish a 360 degrees makeover for your educational institute by joining hands by using WhatsApp bot numbers free for students. Let the digitalization make you fit for a digital era by transforming your existing chalk and talk

If you are still using ancient-age methods for communicating with parents like calls, emails then you need an upgrade. As emails, calls are annoying or not notified by parents frequently, adopt an advanced way of reaching out to parents without disturbing their routines. And, Chatbot for education can be a great messenger for school across all generations. establish a new round of communication with the parents by integrating the social media Apps like WhatsApp messenger for school!

Features Of WhatsApp For Education

Verified School Profile

WhatsApp Business API enables Schools with Green Badge upon profile verification that confirms school authenticity.

Use Number Of Your Choice

No restriction on Number, choose the number you want for WhatsApp Business Solution. It can be Mobile, landline, or toll-free.

Broadcast To All

Send Bulk Messages to all Students, Parents, Teachers in Single Click with WhatsApp Business Solutions.

Secure Encrypted Chat

All chat with clients is in encrypted form. WhatsApp ensures completely secure and reliable communication for seamless experience.

Rich Media Sharing

Take Advantage of WhatsApp's ability to share rich media content like Photos, Video, Location, Documents, Link, etc. with your Users.

Easy API Integration

I School offers Integrated Solutions with school management System with the facility to design personalized Chatbot.

Benefits Of WhatsApp For Education

AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning) are the new languages of the digital future so if the education industry wants to make an out-of-class working strategy that will fit for now and in the future also, the adoption of these approaches is a must. The implications of these latest technologies for the ed-tech industry are refining the current school management and making it more efficient and reliable.

Avail Of The Striking Benefits Of This New-Age Technology Inclusion In The Ed-Tech Industry:

Share Rich Media Content like Audio, Video, Documents etc. and maximize the reach

80% higher open & Communication rate than SMS / Push Notifications.

Create a group and maintain the collaboration for sending important updates to all the students individually or in a bulk.

Showcase Professional Image of your schools with Most widely used messenger App Globally.

Maintain a healthy relationship with students outside the class also.

Verified Account (Green Badge) helps in Trust Building & Branding of the School

Personalized messaging to strengthen Parent's Trust and Transparency.

“At I School, We Believe A Transparent Communication Is Fundamental Of Any Relationship, Leverage The Advantage Of New Age Messenger System”

WhatsApp Chatbot - New- Age Responder

Dump the old-fashioned ways of spreading information like websites, emails, and calls and adopt a new, rapid, and friction-free solution that will match the millennial generation’s wavelength. Power your customer experience with these solutions and intimate the stakeholders in the fastest ways.

Imply Chatbot for school as a quick responder during the peak time of admissions. Eliminate the flaws of human counterparts and provide the informal, easy-to-operate interface that will serve the purpose. Think of WhatsApp can be an announcement messenger for school!

Enhance this concept with integration with WhatsApp and have a dedicated autoresponder for your school. Now, school management can no longer have to rely on traditional ways of communication as the WhatsApp chatbot will do this task for you more efficiently. Also, design your school marketing strategies of school advanced and unique with this tool as it inherits the features like sending bulk messages, time-saving service, instant response.

Sustain your educational institute in this digital era with digital adoption. Assemble your school ERP with leading apps like WhatsApp. Let its unique features help you to achieve your desired digital milestones. Your school ERP and WhatsApp for education will be new ed-tech hit couple in the coming years.

Features Of The Instant Messaging For Your School:

  •    Make the inquiry process resource-efficient with the WhatsApp
  •    A dedicated attendant for admission-query processing.
  •    24/7/365 service without any hassles
  •    Can answer typical lead questions about your school, questions on
          curricula using PDFs, images, text, and any other mediums.
  •    Instant and rapid service as no human intervention.
  •    Automate the entire process and reduce the cost by asking the lead
          pertinent questions too.
  •    Help the user with pre-defined keyword tagging
  •    Updated and accurate information service.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is WhatsApp for Education?

    WhatsApp for Education is a cutting-edge initiative introduced by I-School, aimed at leveraging the power of social media applications to enhance communication and engagement within educational institutions. It facilitates seamless interaction between schools, students, parents, and teachers through the widely used WhatsApp messenger platform.

  • Verified School Profile with a Green Badge for authenticity.
    Flexibility to choose any number for WhatsApp Business Solution.
    Broadcast messaging to students, parents, and teachers.
    Secure encrypted chats ensuring reliable communication.
    Ability to share rich media content like photos, videos, documents, and links.
    Easy API integration with school management systems.

  • Higher open and communication rates compared to traditional methods like SMS or emails.
    Enhanced collaboration through group messaging for important updates.
    Professional image enhancement for schools using a widely-used messenger app.
    Improved relationships with students and parents beyond the classroom.
    Trust-building and branding with a verified account (Green Badge).
    Personalized messaging to strengthen parent's trust and transparency.

  • The WhatsApp Chatbot serves as a quick responder during peak times, such as admissions. It eliminates human errors, provides an informal interface, and offers 24/7 service without hassles. The chatbot can answer queries about the school's curricula using various mediums like PDFs, images, and text, ensuring instant and accurate information delivery.

  • Resource-efficient inquiry process for admissions.
    Dedicated attendant for admission queries, available round the clock.
    Automation of processes leading to reduced costs.
    Pre-defined keyword tagging for streamlined responses.
    Instant and rapid service with no human intervention.
    Provision of updated and accurate information to users.